Friday, February 26, 2021

Chapter 3

Dharma dreams


Thinking of Dad

A crowded mission
in San Diego
eating happily
A thin wiry man
is managing to sit erect

booming out
I'm no goddamn Chicano!
... I'm an Indian!
I speak English!

Very cowboy sound, actually, like he's from West Texas or somewhere like that
Especially the way he said goddamn
Indians of the Old West
maybe Tombstone?

used to call the cowboys goddamns after their manner of speaking
Dad was an Old Californian I guess. He said goddamn just like a Westerner,
just like that Indian
who speaks goddamn English

hard candy
she's  oh so sweet
  oh so fine
the problem is
  she's never mine

she's very proper
  oh so proper
that's why I'm
  a gonna drop 'er

she's always right
  and never wrong
i guess we'll never
  get along

she won't she won't
  i don't know why
should i give her
  another try

that candy cane
  she's made of steel
but i need soft
  and warm and real

The law the prophets and fig newtons

for the sake of argument

let's say

i meek

all things newton

for now

and then of course

the code 'x' of moses

hollers from back you'nder

who am i

how do i know

says a stone

how should i know

thinks i in stein



says isaac

we'll take a playful peek

under the covers


exclaims the prophet

whose word made law

tis a great light spear

a flying phenom hurtled

thru the air apparent

sun of a ray gun look here

a rainbow host doth appear

yet the pure white light is




how is it that the moon and mars

keep faith with the farthest stars

is it the code 'x' of moses

or druidical data

that seals the deal

the elegance of the inverse square

does little to repair

the fall of gravity



no need for all this ethereal fluff

says albert i

tell you light is a weighty matter

and further

space is time

and time is short

or long depending on the pace

of holy c

still i cannot give place

to any force that fields the light

as other than a concrete insight

into twisted reality

no dice


mathemythics bohr and bohm

hunting for lost cause's home

were whirls apart



but don't you see

what's in is out

and what's out is ink

and paul dirac's holey ghosts

show up in any goal-danged space



knock that damn two-timing cat

out of that highly improbable

hat howl erwin

al et al to know avail

it seems elektra is

what do you know


by the way

i've taken quite a shine

to a brilliant bloke what a find

what a friend i have in goedel


put us all to the test

and found we come up wanting

at best



the trouble with cantor's paradise

is deep down

there's nothing to it

tho fig newtons are very popular


quiets the discontent of not knowing


your mother went


That girl, Julianne
Watch out, you young men, here comes stunning Julianne
She'll claim your soul with a grin, will that saucy lovechild.
Julianne, Julianne, she will make you her fan
By her charms you boys will soon be beguiled
So then dream about her all night and all day
But there's a hidden key to that heart of pure gold
And if you don't hold it, you'll go badly astray
Julz has her sights set on the best and the bold
Her dreams that girl has tied to a wondrous bright star
Her young woman's heart it yearns for only the best
Not many of us can follow on a journey so far
Yet I'll back that young girl on her marvelous quest
In my mind I must crawl before that stunning Julianne
who I see clearing hurdles with amazing force and grace
One day she'll rule a world like nobody else can
My soul so longs to kiss her dimpled scarface
When time fades, like winter gray
I will love Julianne, come what may.
Copyright 2024 by Paul Conant
Let her be

by catholic anxiety,
she doubts
every action

a miracle
of authentic existence
she needs


will let her be?
Copyright 2024 by Paul Conant


Apologies to our friend. You just never know what will spark the lyricist. Even with a good melody, somehow we don't think these lyrics will fly... but here they are anyway.
Scarface, Scarface,
you're really such a doll.
Scarface, Scarface,
won't you be my gun moll?

Scarface, Scarface,
do you know how I pine
Scarface, Scarface,
for you and your sign?

Vocal bridge
The perfect touch
on that little fillie
Well look at her blush
Oh don't you be silly
Scarface, Scarface,
you're quite the gun moll.
Scarface, Scarface,
for you I do fall

Scarface, Scarface,
she's a really big hit.
Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit

Scarface, Scarface,
She'll never, ever quit
Copyright 2023 by Alan Cupton
You can't go wrong with Jesus

You can't go wrong with Jesus,
You'll do all right with Jesus.

The devil is what you get
when you get God wrong.

So get God right
and get Jesus

You can't go wrong with Jesus,
You'll do all right with Jesus.

You'll be so glad
You'll be so glad
No more sad
You'll be so glad

You can't go wrong with Jesus,
You'll do all right with Jesus.
Copyright 2023 by Paul Conant
Bluezark Mountain Melody

Darn. I wish I had the ability to come up with a melody or some chords or something for this.
Oh Oh, Oh No
I've got a bad case of the bluezarks

Oh No, Oh Woe
I have really caught the bluezarks

Thought I was OK
when my baby went away
way down in the Ozarks

But Oh Oh, Oh No
I've caught a bad case of the bluezarks

I've got to get gone
got to make a run
to get me out of the  Ozarks

It's Oh No, Oh Woe
I can really feel them bluezarks

Thought I'd heal up fast
but Im really downcast
way down in the Ozarks

Oh Oh, Oh No
I'm lost down here in the Bluezarks

Copyright 2023 by Paul Conant
Where do you wander?

O how I do wonder
where do you wander

O how sad I am
that with her you took off
O how bad I feel
that with her you fled north

O how I do wonder
where do you wander

You hit me with a clap
of terrible thunder
when you decided
to tear us asunder

My whole life went up
in a column of smoke
All our grand plans
now I have to choke

Living your life
without me how I hate
Don't you remember
our first loving date?

O how I do wonder
where do you wander
[repeat refrain as desired]
Copyright 2023 by Paul Conant

This one is so corny, it'll have to be a Bluegrass number.
I am so madly, madly
in love with little Hadley

I need her so badly
that cute little Hadley

She's the best thing ever
Yeah she's really so clever

She got my heart a-cookin'
when I wasn't even lookin'

But she ain't playin' fair,
'cause she don't really care

But still I am madly,
in love with that Hadley

That smokin' hot Hadley,
she's burnin' me badly

Hadley, Hadley, Hadley,
she burns the boys badly

Gladly, gladly, gladly,
I'd give my love to Hadley

But sadly, sadly, sadly,
I can't get next to Hadley
Copyright 2023 by Paul Conant

The great thing about lyrics is that being corny rarely hurts them -- if they are coupled with a good melody.
When I see you,
I see the moon and the stars.
When you come into sight,
my heart leaps clear to Mars.

You are such a sweet piece of candy.
Me 'n' the whole world think you are dandy.

When I hear you,
I hear Tupelo honey.
At the sound of your voice,
I'm so happy it really ain't  funny.

You are such a sweet piece of candy.
Me 'n' the whole world think you are dandy.

When I talk to you,
my heart goes a'flutter.
When I say your name,
my whole body turns into butter.

You are such a sweet piece of candy.
Me 'n' the whole world think you are dandy.

Copyright 2022 and 2023 by Paul Conant
Fourth verse for Rocky Top

Three verses aren't enough, even with an instrumental bridge.

Verse 4
One day I'll go back to Rocky Top
to look up my old neighbors
Can't say who's still on Rocky Top
gettin' poorer for their labors

Chorus and finale
Copyright 2022 by Paul Conant
Party crasher

You crashed my party, babe
You were really, really bad
You done crashed my party
but now I'm really, really glad

You broke down my wall, girl/boy
You threw me for one big loop
Yeah you done broke down my wall
and jumped right into my coop

Party crash, party crash
Oh no, it's a party crash

You slammed me in my comfort zone
but what a jackpot thrill!
Yeah whomped me in that comfort zone
Now for this love there ain't no pill

How'd you catch my scaredy heart, girl/boy?
Now here am I: your slave
Oh how'd you catch my scaredy-cat heart?
Now it's you alone I truly crave

Party crash, party crash
Oh no, it's a party crash

The lyrics above are under Copyright Act protection. The copyright assignment is being kept in a time-stamped file until the final draft is complete.
Stupid Cupid

Subject to revision.
Oh baby why can't I get away from you?
What has got such a hold on me?
You never loved me, you just won't do.
What do you have? I just don't see.

Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid ripped me off.
Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid why does he scoff?

Why am I hanging around your door?
Baby you're not hot you're not cold.
All I am to you is a mat on the floor.
You're one hand I've got to fold.

Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid ripped me off.
Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid why does he scoff?

I have been with you all these years
And all I have is an ache in my heart.
Baby all I get is a face full of tears.
What did I do that I'm not so smart?

Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid ripped me off.
Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid why does he scoff?

I thought I loved you oh so long ago.
I said you're the awesomest (man/woman) ever.
Now I've got to get away is all that's true.
You should leave me. Then we'll surely sever.

Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid ripped me off.
Missed by Cupid, stuck on stupid.
Yeah stupid Cupid why does he scoff?
Copyright 2021 by Renee R.T. Keene

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